Monday, July 27, 2009

Smoothies...they're what's for dinner.

This heat is killing me! I have the energy for nothing. So I kept it simple tonight.

At Trader Joes this weekend, I picked up some shredded cabbage, shredded carrots, and shredded broccoli. I mixed them together in a large container, setting some aside for a quick slaw. Surprisingly, Apani liked it! I just added some sugar, cider vinegar, salt, and pepper.

Dinner tonight was a hit. That is, 'til they spilled it! Kaity thought it was a good idea to run with her cup. Of course, Apani did also But they both got two cups out of it and Maddy drank what was left.

Looks like a warm, humid week, so watch out for more smoothie recipes!

Ripe Banana
3 large handfuls of shredded veggies
a small handful of cherry tomatoes
Approx 1 1/2 Cups of TJs frozen Mixed Berries
Apple Juice

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