Sunday, October 4, 2009

Pumpkin Bread

I love Autumn! This is my favorite time of year. The slight chill in the air, lovely scenery, the excitement and anticipation of all the upcoming holidays, and the seasonal foods/fruits/veggies all make me happy.

I thought I'd try a scone recipe, pumpkin scones! Don't those sound good? However, after reading so many different variations and finally picking one, I noticed the surprising lack of pumpkin...only 1/2 a cup! So I looked at the others...same thing! What's the point? I'm sure they're tasty, but after dividing up the ingredients, you're basically just eating flour. So I went to a tried a true family favorite out of the Betty Crocker Cookbook...Pumpkin Bread! I omit the raisins and nuts and use butter rather than oil. It was so good! It always is!


  1. Where do you buy your canned pumpkin? I can't find it on sale anywhere.

  2. I was hoping to pick some up at TJ's today but they still didn't have any! Last weekend I picked some rather pricey pumpkin up at Fairway. I paid $2.59 a can for organic! Both cans are gone, I tried oatmeal raisin pumpkin cookies. Ehhh, nothing spectacular, but the girls LOVE them!

    I'll be going to Foodtown, I think it's Foodtown, on 91st and 3rd to see if they have some tomorrow. (I have 2 more pumpkin recipes I want to try.) If they don't have, I'll pass two more supermarkets on the walk home. If I find some, want me to pick up for you?
